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Transform Your Events with Text: Manage, Engage, and Grow Your Community

Evant's SMS Community Engagement platform helps non-profits, universities, event hosts, and organizations achieve event success. Join over 150,000 people lifting their community event engagement by up to 5x through text tooling.

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Illustration of a person using a mobile phone
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Build Relationships

Community members want real relationships. Connect with members effectively through personalized messaging, avoiding the frustration 90% of customers experience when interacting with organizations.

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Reduce Overhead

Say goodbye to spam emails, lengthy forms, and tedious follow-ups. With Evant's event software, you save hundreds of staff hours and focus on your organization's mission.

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Boost Engagement

People prefer to be communicated with directly through SMS. With 96% of texts read within 3-minutes, you see higher participation compared to emails, sign-up forms, or phone calls.

Why Evant?

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Streamlined Communication

Effective communication is so crucial for the success of any community-driven organization in today's fast-paced world. Evant understands this and offers a powerful community management software that changes the way you engage with your members, especially the younger generation. Consider this: 3 out of 5 Millennials will reply with a text after choosing not to answer a phone call. Evant helps you meet your members where they are most responsive - on their phones.

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Efficiency & Cost Savings

Event Management is tough, Evant helps organizers streamline the process with powerful RSVP and scheduling features. Experience a 95% RSVP rate, reduce costs associated with no-shows and over-preparation. Automate manual tasks and save hours of staff time with scheduled sends and recurring event postings.

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Engagement Insights

Organizers often feel lost with the progress of their events, with Evant's data collection and CRM integrations, gain valuable insights and enhance your community engagement. Gather onboarding information and track engagement across subgroups and individuals. Leverage member data to personalize events, target likely donors, tailor content, and make data-driven decisions for your community. Evant seamlessly integrates with your existing tools, ensuring a smooth flow of information.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Do you have a question that you don't see? Get in touch with us.

What types of events can I manage with Evant?

With Evant, you can manage a wide variety of events, among them are: School Events, Weddings & Engagements, Parties, Corporate Events, Fundraisers, Religous Services, Conferences and Networking Events, Sports Events, Virtual Events, and more. Evant's online RSVP platform is designed to handle any event that involves RSVPs and participant management, providing a solution for both in-person and virtual events.

What kind of customer support does Evant offer?

When users sign-up to our platform, they can walk through our tutorial videos that go over common questions new users may have. Additionally, our team is available around the clock to answer any specific questions.

Do participants need to download an app to use Evant?

Nobody involved needs to download an app, whether that be the participant or the event organizer. Participants simply engage through SMS and users login through our web platform (which is mobile friendly too).

Is there a limit to the number of organizers I can have login to my Evant account?

No, there is no limit to the number of people from your organization who can have access to Evant's platform.

What kind of analytics and reporting does Evant offer?

Evant's suite of analytics and reporting tools, include: Recent new sign-ups, Recent event RSVPs, Messages sent, Message deliverability rate, Total events, Total users and more. These insights help organizers keep track of their community engagement and event performance.

How do I recieve they money I collected from my partcipants using Evant?

Our integration with Stripe allows users to automatically transfer money that was collected from participants into their bank accounts.

I don't see a feature I want - how can I provide my feedback?

At Evant we love feedback, we prioritize our customers and their satisfaction. We value and strongly encourage your feedback and are constantly working to improve our platform and adding new features based on customer suggestions. If you don't see a feature you want, we want you to contact us with your feedback.

Can I block users on Evant?

Yes! On the Evant Dashboard, in the Users tab, you have the option to block people.

What are the benefits of SMS RSVP solutions as opposed to other RSVP forms?

SMS RSVP solutions offer higher response rates, immediate engagement, and better convenience compared to other methods like Google Forms, emails, QR codes, calls, paper sign-ups, and Instagram polls. SMS also works on all mobile phones without needing an internet connection.

Is there a commitment to using Evant?

Nope, users can cancel there plans at any time, with no long-term commitment.

Do I get to pick a phone number?

Yes, users can search by area code and pick whichever number that works for them.

What's the difference between Paperless Post and Evant for single event RSVPs?

While Paperless Post primarily focuses on digital invitations, Evant offers distinct advantages with our Text-to-RSVP functionality. Paperless Post allows digital invitations to be sent via text, where invitees click a link to RSVP. Evant's community management software, however, takes this a step further by offering single-keyword RSVP responses in addition to digital invitations. This eliminates the need to click any link, streamlining the RSVP process even more.