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Community Engagement Tools The Power of AI-Driven Interactive SMS Onboarding

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Interactive SMS

In today's fast-paced digital world, community organizations face an ongoing challenge: how to effectively engage new members from the moment they join. Enter the game-changer: interactive SMS onboarding. This innovative approach is transforming how organizations welcome, inform, and integrate new members, all through the power of text messaging.

What is Interactive SMS Onboarding?

Now, you may be asking how exactly Interactive SMS onboarding works. The system uses custom message flows to create a personalized welcome experience for new members. Unlike traditional email or in-person onboarding, text-based methods offer immediacy, high engagement rates, and the convenience of asynchronous communication. Custom flows allow organizers to design the conversation with automated responses, based on the user's responses. With open rates exceeding 98%, SMS ensures your message reaches its intended audience.

How Custom Messaging Flows Enhance Onboarding

Leading this innovation is Evant. By leveraging the technology of automated custom flows, Evant creates personalized messaging sequences that adapt to each user's responses. This tailored approach ensures every new member feels valued and understood from their very first interaction.

Evant’s Automated Messaging for Personalized Experiences

Effective SMS onboarding begins with crafting engaging message flows. Start with a warm welcome message that sets the tone for your organization. Follow up with well-designed multiple-choice questions to gather essential information without overwhelming the new member. For example: "Welcome to [Organization Name]! We're excited to have you. What aspect of our community interests you most? A. Networking events B. Volunteer opportunities C. Skill-building workshops Reply with A, B, or C." Based on the response, the system tailors subsequent messages to create a truly interactive experience.

Crafting Tailored Messaging Sequences

One of the main advantages of interactive SMS onboarding is its ability to efficiently collect valuable member data. From basic contact information to specific interests and backgrounds, SMS flows can gather crucial details that help organizations better serve their members. The key is to space out questions and use a conversational tone to keep engagement high.

With custom flows and onboarding processes, user experience reaches new heights of convenience and personalization. Once a new member completes the interactive SMS onboarding, their background information is securely saved in the system. This means no more repetitive sign-ups or frustrating re-entries of personal data. Whether it’s a month or a year later, when the user engages with any SMS communication from your organization, the system instantly recognizes them. Every text message is contextualized with their profile, interests, and history of interactions. Imagine sending an event invitation and knowing it's tailored to John, a 28-year-old software engineer who's interested in AI workshops, rather than just another number in your database. This level of personalization fosters stronger, more meaningful relationships between your organization and its members, ultimately leading to higher engagement rates and a more vibrant community.

Collecting Data Efficiently Through SMS

When choosing an SMS platform, pick one that not only collects data but also puts it to work. With Evant, the information gathered through SMS onboarding seamlessly integrates with existing CRM systems, becoming part of a comprehensive member profile. This integration prevents duplicate sign-ups and ensures that every interaction with a member is informed and personalized.

To make the most of interactive SMS onboarding:

Getting started with Evant is straightforward:

  • Keep messages flows consice and engaging

  • Balance information gathering with user experience

  • Ensure compliance with data protection regulations

  • Use a friendly, conversational tone

  • Offer clear opt-out instructions to maintain trust

It is also worth noting that when collecting information via SMS, it's crucial to be more explicit and detailed in your questions compared to traditional forms. Unlike online forms that often feature autofill capabilities or dropdown menus, SMS relies solely on the user's manual input. For instance, when asking for an address on a form, fields like city, state, and zip code are typically separate, and autofill functions often populate these automatically. However, in an SMS interaction, you need to specifically prompt for each piece of information. A simple "What's your address?" might result in incomplete data, with users often overlooking crucial details like zip codes or apartment numbers. Instead, you might need to break it down: "Please provide your full address, including street number, apartment (if applicable), city, state, and zip code." This level of specificity ensures you capture all necessary details, compensating for the lack of visual cues and autofill features present in traditional forms.

Why is utilizing SMS for Community Engagement so effective?

Now, community managers may ask, SMS onboarding sounds nice and all. But, why would I use SMS as my means of communication, as opposed to more legacy communication channels?

  • 1. SMS is for everyone: No matter where someone is located and what their WiFi connectivity may be, one can communicate through SMS, It's the great equalizer. A report by Message Media found that almost 73% of all types of people like receiving SMS messaging, especially amongst younger folks.
  • 2. Immediate Updates In situations where timely updates are crucial, such as last-minute event changes or emergency notifications, SMS provides a reliable way to quickly inform all community members. Additionally, with SMS, communities can gather immediate feedback on events or new ideas they are implementing.
  • 3. Automated Reminders: Automated SMS reminders, that organizers can place themselves, for events, deadlines, and important announcements ensure that members are always informed and less likely to forget or miss out on community activities. This helps maintain high participation rates.
  • 4. High Open Rates: SMS boosts an impressive open rate fo up to 98%, this makes sure community members open up messages quickly and immediately, thus leading to an increase in engagement.
  • 5. Personalization: With segmented/targeted messaging you can customize messages to groups of community members that you please. This personal touch makes community members feel wanted and valued.

The Future of AI-Driven SMS Onboarding

As AI technology continues to advance, we can look forward to even more sophisticated personalization in SMS onboarding. Integrations with chatbots, voice assistants, and predictive analytics promise to make the onboarding experience even more seamless and intuitive.

Looking ahead, the potential for AI-driven SMS onboarding is truly exciting. Imagine a system that not only remembers user preferences but also anticipates needs based on behavior patterns. Future developments might include natural language processing to understand and respond to free-form text messages, allowing for more nuanced interactions. We might see AI that can detect sentiment in responses and adjust the tone and content of messages accordingly. Additionally, machine learning algorithms could analyze successful onboarding flows across multiple organizations, continuously optimizing the process for maximum engagement. For instance, offers features like Contextual Human-like Responses, allowing businesses to have Kore’s system respond to their customers with natural, conversational replies. Users can also customize these responses, with the system being available 24/7. The future of AI-driven SMS onboarding isn't just about collecting information—it’s about creating a dynamic, responsive, and deeply personalized welcome experience that sets the stage for long-term member engagement.


AI-powered interactive SMS onboarding is more than just a technological advancement – it’s a revolution in how organizations connect with their members. By leveraging the immediacy and ubiquity of text messaging, combined with the intelligence of AI, community organizations can create meaningful connections from the very first interaction. Ready to revolutionize your community engagement? Discover Evant's AI-powered interactive SMS onboarding features today. Contact us to book a demo and start creating personalized onboarding experiences for your members.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Do you have a question that you don't see? Get in touch with us.
What is Interactive SMS Onboarding?

Interactive SMS onboarding uses custom message flows to create a personalized welcome experience for new members. It offers immediacy, high engagement rates, and the convenience of asynchronous communication, making it an effective alternative to traditional email or in-person onboarding.

How does custom messaging enhance the onboarding process?

Custom messaging allows organizers to design conversations that adapt to each user's responses. This personalized approach ensures new members feel valued and understood, creating a strong foundation for long-term engagement.

Why is SMS effective for community engagement?

SMS is effective because it has high open rates (up to 98%), immediate delivery, and broad accessibility. It allows for personalized, real-time communication, ensuring messages are seen and acted upon quickly.

How can SMS onboarding improve data collection?

SMS onboarding efficiently collects valuable member data by using conversational flows to gather information. This data can be integrated with existing CRM systems, creating comprehensive member profiles and enhancing future interactions.

What are the benefits of using Evant for SMS onboarding?

Evant offers automated custom flows, real-time data syncing with CRMs, and robust analytics. These features help streamline the onboarding process, ensure personalized communication, and improve overall member engagement.

How do I craft effective SMS onboarding messages?

Start with a warm welcome message, followed by well-designed multiple-choice questions to gather essential information. Keep messages short, engaging, and personalized to maintain high engagement rates.

Can SMS be used for event reminders and updates?

Yes, SMS is perfect for sending automated event reminders and timely updates. This ensures members are always informed about upcoming events, deadlines, and important announcements, reducing no-shows and boosting participation.

How does AI enhance SMS onboarding?

AI can personalize SMS onboarding by remembering user preferences, anticipating needs, and adjusting messages based on behavior patterns. Future AI developments may include natural language processing and sentiment analysis for even more nuanced interactions.

What should I look for in an SMS platform?

Choose an SMS platform that not only collects data but also integrates seamlessly with your existing CRM systems. Ensure it offers features like custom messaging flows, automated reminders, and robust analytics to maximize engagement.

How does SMS onboarding compare to traditional methods?

SMS onboarding offers higher engagement rates and immediacy compared to traditional email or in-person methods. It provides a convenient, personalized experience that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

What are the best practices for SMS onboarding?

Keep message flows concise and engaging, balance information gathering with user experience, ensure compliance with data protection regulations, use a friendly conversational tone, and offer clear opt-out instructions.

How can Evant help with community engagement?

Evant's AI-powered interactive SMS onboarding creates meaningful connections from the first interaction. By leveraging text messaging and AI, Evant ensures personalized, timely communication that fosters long-term member engagement.

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