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Transform Campus Events with VIP Treatment: The Power of Targeted Messaging

tool for  community engagement picture
Text to RSVP
Text to RSVP
Scheduled Messaging
Scheduled Messaging
Online Invitations
Online Wedding Invitations
Quick Communication
Interactive SMS

The Psychology of VIP Treatment: Why Feeling Special Matters in Community Events

Feeling valued and recognized is a fundamental human desire, deeply rooted in our psychology. Recent studies have shed light on the significant impact this can have on community engagement and event participation.

Community values are highly cherished among Americans, and this sentiment has grown over the decades. A Wall Street Journal survey reveals that 27% of respondents consider community involvement very important, and 53% say it is somewhat important, totaling 80%. Similarly, Gallup finds that 18% of Americans deem 'community activities' "extremely important" and 37% very important, a combined score of 55%. The percentage of those who consider it extremely important rose from 6% in 2002 to 18% in 2023, reflecting the growing significance of community in today's digital age.

When it comes to community gatherings, attendees who feel personally catered to experience a range of positive effects:

  • 1. Increased Engagement: Individuals who feel valued are more likely to actively participate in event activities, whether it's contributing ideas at a town hall meeting or volunteering at a local fundraiser.

  • 2. Enhanced Participation: Feeling special can encourage attendees to go beyond passive observation, often leading them to take initiative or offer help during events.

  • 3. Higher Return Rates: Positive experiences create lasting impressions, potentially increasing the likelihood of attendees returning for future events.

  • 4. Word-of-Mouth Promotion: People who feel they've received special treatment are more likely to share their experiences with others, potentially boosting attendance at future events.

  • 5. Stronger Community Bonds: When individuals feel recognized and appreciated, they may develop a stronger sense of belonging to the community, potentially leading to increased civic engagement.

For community organizations looking to implement this approach, tools like Evant's targeted messaging features can help create more personalized communication with event attendees, potentially leading to these positive outcomes.

By leveraging targeted messaging to create these VIP-like experiences, event organizers aren't just boosting numbers for a single gathering. They're contributing to a broader culture of engagement and community spirit.

In essence, the act of making attendees feel special through personalized communication can be a powerful catalyst for transforming the entire community experience. With 58% of people saying that texting is the most effective way for organizations to reach them quickly, tools like Evant's targeted messaging features are perfectly positioned to help community organizations create these vital personalized experiences. By making each participant feel valued, organizations can build a more cohesive, active, and thriving community, backed by solid data and research findings.

Leveraging Evant's Targeted Messaging for VIP Experiences

Evant's targeted messaging capabilities offer a game-changing solution for event organizers. By segmenting your audience based on interests, demographics, and past event attendance, you create the foundation for truly personalized communication.

Personalized Communication: The Heart of VIP Treatment

With Evant, you can tailor messages to resonate with specific member groups. Imagine sending a physics major details about an upcoming star-gazing event, while your art students receive invites to a new gallery opening. This level of personalization makes each recipient feel seen and valued.

One college campus reported that they used targeted messaging based on graduation year, where they’d send follow-ups to alumni groups who had not yet registered for their alumni mixer, thus better tailoring their messaging strategies. 

Scheduled Sends: Timing is Everything

Creating a VIP experience isn't just about what you say—it's also about when you say it. Evant's scheduled sends feature ensures your messages reach attendees at the perfect moment. For instance, a music festival can use timed messages to build anticipation, share last-minute details, and follow up with attendees, creating a seamless communication flow that enhances the overall experience.

Customizable Reminders: Making Every Attendee Feel Wanted

Nothing says "We want you here!" like a personalized reminder. Evant allows you to send text reminders to those who haven't RSVP'd, gently encouraging them to confirm their attendance.

Event Marketing Software: Reaching the Right Audience

Evant's software helps you identify and target the most relevant attendees for each event. By crafting messages that speak directly to specific audience segments, you ensure that each communication feels personal and relevant. This targeted approach has proven particularly effective for niche campus events.

Maintaining the VIP Experience with Compliance Management

A true VIP experience respects boundaries. Evant's built-in compliance and opt-out management features ensure you maintain a positive relationship with your members while adhering to messaging regulations. This balance of personalization and privacy is crucial for long-term engagement.

Measuring Success: The Impact of Targeted Messaging

The proof is in the numbers, and the power of SMS messaging is undeniable. Evant's analytics tools allow you to track the effectiveness of your targeted messaging strategy, tapping into a communication channel with extraordinary reach and engagement. Consider this: Texts have a staggering 99% open rate. Moreover, 78% of people wish they could have a text conversation with a business or organization. With an average response time of just 90 seconds, SMS clearly outperforms other communication methods. For event organizers, perhaps the most compelling statistic is that 77% of students want to receive relevant information from colleges via text - a trend likely applicable to community events as well. Given these figures, it's clear that SMS is not just a powerful tool, but an essential component in your event communication arsenal. Source

Implementing Your VIP Messaging Strategy

Ready to give your attendees the VIP treatment? Here are some steps to get started with Evant's targeted messaging:

  • 1. Upload your community contacts from your CRM to your event text messaging platform
  • 2. Segment your audience based on relevant criteria
  • 3. Craft personalized messages for each segment
  • 4. Set up scheduled sends for timely communication
  • 5. Use customizable reminders to boost attendance
  • 6. Monitor your results and refine your strategy

Remember, the key is to make each message feel personal and valuable. Avoid over-communicating, and always provide an easy opt-out option.


By leveraging Evant's targeted messaging features, you can create a VIP experience for every attendee, regardless of your event size or budget. This approach not only enhances individual event satisfaction but also fosters a stronger, more engaged campus community over time. Ready to transform your campus events? Discover the power of Evant's targeted messaging features and give your attendees the VIP treatment they deserve. Contact us today to book a demo and elevate your event engagement.

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