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Text Message Reminders The Secret Weapon to Make You the Most Connected Student Group on Campus.

tool for text message reminders picture
Text to RSVP
Text to RSVP
Scheduled Messaging
Scheduled Messaging
Online Invitations
Online Wedding Invitations
Quick Communication
Interactive SMS

Over the past few years, I've had the privilege of working closely with numerous student group leaders across campuses nationwide. Time and again, I've witnessed their struggles with event attendance and engagement. But I've also seen firsthand how the right tools can transform these challenges into remarkable success stories. Let's dive into how text message reminders are changing the game for student organizations.

From Declining Attendance to Thriving Events: The Challenge

Student group leaders consistently faced a common set of problems:

  • Low turnout at events, despite extensive planning

  • Ineffective communication channels, with emails going unread

  • Wasted resources on poorly attended events

  • Difficulty tracking student engagement and interest

Additionally, the post-COVID world introduced new challenges:

  • Zoom fatigue: After spending hours in virtual classes, many students were reluctant to join yet another online meeting for extracurricular activities.

  • Loss of spontaneity: The casual interactions that often led to event participation (like running into a friend promoting an event on campus) were lost in the virtual world.

  • Increased competition for attention: With the proliferation of online content and activities, student groups found themselves competing not just with other campus events, but with a global array of digital distractions.

So how were student groups supposed to navigate the changing landscape?

Transforming Communication strategies with Text Messaging

What were student groups doing for their communication strategies?

  • Plastering campuses with flyers and posters

  • Sending mass emails to student accounts

  • Running social media campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

  • Creating Facebook and Instagram polls to gauge event interest

  • Advertising in campus newspapers

  • Relying on word-of-mouth through student networks

Despite these efforts, most groups saw little improvement. The breakthrough came when we realized that while student leaders were busy crafting perfect emails, their peers were rapidly exchanging information via text messages.

Top Text Message Reminder Systems for Student Events

What is the top event text message reminder system for universities?

As the demand for efficient, text-based event management grows, several platforms have emerged as leaders in the field. Here are some of the top event text message reminder systems, each with unique features catering to different needs:

  • EZTexting

  • Remind

  • SimpleTexting

  • TextMagic

  • Trumpia

How Evant Enhances Student Engagement with Text Reminders

This insight led to the development of Evant's text-based event management system. Student groups found it incredibly easy to set up and use, with features like:

  • 1. Text to RSVP Campaigns

  • 2. Customizable messaging flows for different event types

  • 3. Integration with existing CRM databases

  • 4. Scheduled reminders(Initial, Day-before, Day-of events reminders

  • 5. Event analytics & Real-Time Insights

Evant’s deep understanding of student group dynamics and needs includes integration with existing CRM systems and simple onboarding for student leaders. Our platform offers customizable question flows for event sign-ups, real-time attendee data syncing, and robust analytics specifically designed for campus events. Additionally, Evant's simplicity and focus on reducing administrative overhead allow student leaders to spend less time on logistics and more time creating meaningful experiences for their peers.

Immediate Impact of Text Message Event Reminders

The results were consistently impressive across various student groups:

    • 1. 20-30% increase in RSVP rates for many events

    • 2. Significant reduction in no-shows

    • 3. Time saved on event management and communication

    • 4. Positive feedback from both organizers and student attendees.

    Student leaders reported that the simplicity of texting an RSVP or checking in at events was a game-changer for their members.

    Long-Term Benefits of Implementing Text Message Reminders

    As more student groups adopted Evant's system, we observed several long-term benefits:

    • 1. Improved data collection, giving insights into member preferences

    • 2. Enhanced ability to send targeted messages to specific interest groups

    • 3. Streamlined fundraising efforts with text-to-donate options that target more engaged students

    • 4. More efficient resource allocation based on accurate attendance predictions

    • 5. Alignment with communication preferences of younger generations: Recent studies show that Gen Z and younger Millennials overwhelmingly prefer text messaging for quick communication. By adopting a text-based system, student groups are future-proofing their communication strategies and staying relevant to incoming classes of students.

    The Ripple Effect: Broader Impacts of Text Message Reminders

    The success of text reminders had far-reaching effects:

    • Increased student involvement across various campus activities

    • Improved communication between student groups and their members

    • More efficient use of student organization budgets

    • Enhanced reputation for tech-savvy, well-organized student groups

    Pro Tips for Student Group Leaders Using Text Reminders

    Based on our observations, here are key tips for student organizations looking to enhance their event engagement:

    • Start with a single event to test the system before full implementation

    • Use student ambassadors to promote the new text-based system

    • Ensure the reminder system integrates well with existing tools

    • Don't be afraid to send multiple reminders for events - we’ve seen 3-4 reminders be optimal

    • Onboard new participants to the SMS system as soon as possible

    • Continuously gather and act on member feedback


    The shift from emails to text messages has had a profound impact on campus event engagement. By meeting students on their preferred communication channel, student groups have not only boosted event attendance but also fostered more connected and engaged memberships.

    At Evant, we're excited to continue supporting student leaders in their mission to create vibrant, active campus communities. The transformation we've witnessed has been nothing short of revolutionary, and we're confident that text-based event management can do the same for any student organization.

    Ready to take your community engagement to the next level? With, you can effortlessly manage your SMS campaigns, connect with your audience in real-time, and drive meaningful interactions. Sign up today to start building stronger, more engaged communities with the power of SMS. Don't miss out—transform your communication strategy with now!

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